Express yourself, don't repress yourself.

This is just my journal. Sometimes it's a place to rant, sometimes it's a place to just talk about how things are going for me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back to Chicago

Well, I like Chicago a bit better than I did last time I was here, but I'm feeling a bit rundown today. Every time I carry my stuff more than a little ways I start getting dizzy. I can't seem to figure out why, because I've stopped carrying my briefcase from the shoulderstrap which was putting a lot of pressure on my neck. Maybe I'm just fighting a bug.

Purdue was pretty great. I liked all the people I met and they actually showed me around as though they were interested in having me. It's not exactly what I really want to study, but there are so many things I could be happy studying. I think I will apply there, but I'm not completely sold on being in the midwest. I liked Boston a lot better. But Purdue wouldn't be a bad option.

Now I'm in Chicago waiting for the train to go to Kansas. Who knows if I'll have any internet there. My grandmother isn't exactly the most technology-forward. Hopefully I can get a different pair of semi-dress shoes for california, because the blisters I got from walking around Purdue are just plain brutal.

Oh yeah, and I went and saw that.

And that. And lots of things. You should look on my facebook and see my album. It's pretty dang cool if I do say so myself. I have about 400 pictures, but I only posted the really best ones.

I'm spending way too much money on starbucks though. Blech. It's hard to keep yourself up and energized for an entire month. I really need to do laundry. I have no more tees left, and I don't really like traveling in my tank tops because they show a little too much cleavage for me to be bending and lifting my bags and the like without feeling embarrassed a bit.

I'm on eastern time now, even though I'm back in a central time zone, so my internal clock is freaking out that I'm not on the train, but it doesn't leave for another hour. I think I'll go ahead and go down early. Maybe get some coffee first.

Boy, at least once I'm on the train I can take off my shoes and tend to my blisters that got split. One of them is really painful right now. I just hope that the train is slightly less crowded than it has been. Then I can maybe actually nap a little, and stretch out my legs. So far, the train hasn't been too bad, and I manage a few REM cycles each night. But there's just two inches too little space, and several of the trains didn't have leg-rests, or the leg-rest was broken.

The trip is really awesome but I definitely miss being around the people I love. I'm beginning to see why people don't really like traveling alone. Classes are going to seem so strange now. I feel like I already finished undergrad right now.

Ok, definitely time for coffee.


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