Express yourself, don't repress yourself.

This is just my journal. Sometimes it's a place to rant, sometimes it's a place to just talk about how things are going for me.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Goodbye Amherst

Man, this town is getting less appealing by the moment. Wouldn't it be awful to apply somewhere and not know that you'd be miserable if you went there? So far the only thing I liked was the fact that I had my own room and a really good calzone for dinner. Couldn't take a bath though because there was a weird little fish tadpole thingy in my tub, so I decided a shower would be prudent. Too bad though, I was definitely ready for a relaxing soak. I could whine about it, but I don't care anymore. I'll be in washington DC tonight! I think I go through NY, NY t0 get there from here, so that will be really cool. I hope there's some window seats open so I can be a gian tourist and film it all. I haven't been using my camera as much as I hoped, but I guess it takes some time to get used to being alone out here. I'm starting to get comfortable.
It's strange, I can get internet, but my phone has no signal. I know the train is running a bit late, but not by much, unlike some of my other trains! fortunately, I don't have any transfers this time. I'll just have to take a taxi when I get to DC. I've walked enough miles (with all my gear) for one day. Getting some great exercise though.
There have definitely been some unhappy moments out here. I get lonely and overwhelmed sometimes with too much noise, too much to carry, too much heat. But all I have to do is remember how many cool things I get to see, and how much all my friends and family believe in me, and I get through it.
Anyway, I'm going to go sit outside and wait for the train.


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