Express yourself, don't repress yourself.

This is just my journal. Sometimes it's a place to rant, sometimes it's a place to just talk about how things are going for me.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

And it shall hit the slope

Life is such a rollercoaster. One moment you're on top of the world... and inevitably things must come down, perhaps further than where you started.
People are so incredibly selfish.
Even after months of happy companionship and even love, if someone for - even a few days - is different, suddenly they're a horrible person not fit to be around. So be it. Perhaps I'm fooling myself, trying to believe what I was supposed to feel even after it had faded weeks ago. Whatever. Summer romances are doomed to fail no matter what. I could be mean spirited and draw out all the blatant and even pathetically boyish mistakes he made, but I will be the more gracefull one here, this time.
Pessimism doesn't suit anyone. The people here are severly more interesting and friendly already than the average before. (you my friends of course exceeded that average.)
My new life awaits, handholds aplenty. If I were to allow myself to sink back to the home I always new, never taking any risk out into the world... well that's worse than death.
And they say, the only way to go from down is up, and I have to go somewhere.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Day 3

Wow. Ultimate frisbee rocks.
Yeah, and so does the rec center, I can't wait to go swimming. I'm so tired though, I've had two big workouts today - three if you count 5 flights of stairs over and over again...
I've met a lot of people, made some friends... but it's strange, I feel like I'm in a whole new world... I guess I am, there are thousands of people here already. My whole life is changing, and I can tell, because the way I'm thinking about people I know from the 'old world' is different. My appetite has changed, my reactions are different... It's like all the changes I tried to make in high school are finally having room to flourish. And now I'm going to study, because I'm only here two more days before school starts. Bleh.
I miss my old life, but I love my new one.
Perhaps the boundary will soon smudge together, but for now it is a chasm.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


So I made it... but the hard part hasn't even gotten near yet, I have to remember that. But I got my books (except I left my health book at home! Oops!) I think I'll study a little tonight, they're playing games downstairs, so I made an appearance... but "big booty" is quickly a silly game, and I don't have the energy for poker.
I had a salad for dinner, since the only food open was the "Boardwalk" cafeteria, so it's good that I'm not really that hungry. I had a smoothie.... they're as good as I remember, plus I can get a booster free, so that' s a good way to remind myself to get vitamins. Yeah.... sigh.
This chair isn't terribly condusive to proper posture, but it's ok. I guess it's a nice chair if I lean back.
I think I'll start studying tonight... I gotta get my math head back on!
And I DEFINITELY need an aligator clip lamp for my bunk, 'cause I'll be much more comfy to study up there!!
Anyhow, I'm going to get to that.
Love you guys!

Die Morgen

So here I am, mostly packed and marginally ready to leave. I have decided to be brave and skip the cliche... although my stomach disagrees, and I don't have a weak stomach.
7:00 will be here soon...
Well my friends... soon I will be in a new space.
Au revoir
Bis Spaetter
And so forth

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

And it hits me

Taking a break from working on my dimming room, with two pairs of squeaky new tennis shoes sitting on my bed, I had hoped to assuage the fiery temper of the headache gods. At least now I didn't feel like I would faint if I took a deep breath.
And then it hits me - I have mere moments before I leave my home, for months. Each of my days is planned out, tomorrow: running, painting, Tyler, Jennifer, packing, my last Kojosho Karate class before camp... Thursday: go running, shopping for groceries and all the stuff I haven't got yet, last big date with Ty. Friday: Go running, get a haircut, go show it to Tyler, take Tyler to pick up (AT LAST!!!) my copy of the Sims 2, finish all unfinished things, watch brother's first performance at the football game...
Saturday: Pack everything into car. Do all last minute things.
Sunday: leave at 7:00, check in at 9:00, have lunch with family after unloading everything........
and say goodbye.
I wish I knew when my roommate was moving in. It would be awkward for her to come in like five minutes after I put some of my stuff down and go "But *I* wanted that side of the room!"
*Sigh* I'm worrying too much....
Well, enough of that, I have much to do!
Luv ya all!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

8 Days

Sometimes it's nice when you're going away, something big. People give you things, or miss you before you're gone. I get to have all my favorite dinners 'ere I go... and my momma made me my favorite cookies (basically sugar cookies made with cream cheese in them).
I got to talk to my Elizabeth online for the first time today... she seems to be settling in all right, though doubt and elation are a bit of a seesaw of which she rides the center.

My prom picture (which I'm really thankful my boyfriend got, because I wasn't going to... (dumb me)) is under the plastic cover of my graphics tablet that's sitting on my desk. I partially love and hate it... Tyler looks great in it... but my hair has died and the lady made me be so my right arm is facing the camera which is kindof embarrasing (plus my arm looks really fat at the top.... jeez I should know better than to go strapless.... but it makes me happy because I LOVE my dress, and my shoes... I had most definitely the most unique dress at the place, since I designed and sewed it myself (with the wonderful talents of my mumsie)
I guess it's nice... but it's the only pic I have of me and Ty together... we just passed our 4mo mark three days ago.

Packing sux, barnes & noble sux, neo-cons suck, w sux a lot, being poor sux........
My brother is taking up all the time on the x-box, not that I have much energy to play... especially now that Ty got me addicted to animal crossing... I want that game sooooo much on pc or something. BUT NO, JUST gAmECUBE..... urk.

But anywhoo... back to work I guess

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I hate running. I also hate being a high-school grad and still working for the same wages I used to be.... screaming toddlers are worth much more that $4 an hour... especially if I'm babysitting for more than six hours. I guess it's enough to pay off my last shopping trip, but only barely. If only I charged one more dollar an hour I could buy that cd I've been craving forever... but no.

ugh... regardless. I need to write some more, there are a lot of stories that I've let slip and I can't afford to do that. If merely for my own sanity. Elizabeth liked one I gave her, the only problem is that I haven't worked on it all year, and she wants more!!
So I think I'll go do that... sigh.

Monday, September 06, 2004

With the weight of the world about me,

I sink...

Parting from me, my best friend goes in the morning. Now there will be none to help me pack up my things. My brother lashes out at me in jealousy and his own weight. I cannot find my bed beneath the mess, and I have not meditated in two weeks.
My boyfriend is irritated. With me as well as other things, though he won't expound upon it because he hates it even more when I am inevitably hurt.
he's tired... I'm tired... my friends are exhausted... my family is overextended.
and people are actually believing the flat out proveable lies that the economy is improving so much.
I only get to have two more family pizza nights... I'm going to miss our homemade pizza so very much...
Baby bunnies have invaded our family... and for those of you that merely want the cute photos, go here:
The page will take a while to load but too bad, it's too much work to really fix right now...

man I need some sleep

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

18 Days and Counting...

Yay! I ran 3/4 mile non-stop this morning... that's probably the furthest I've ever run in my life.

I may have only 18 days left before it's off to college, but my Elizabeth has just 7... sigh.
Most of my plans revolve around spending time with the people I'm going to miss the most, and packing up my stuff - which is significantly harder than you'd think...

And my bunny had babies, I guess I forgot to mention that earlier... they must be a week old by now. My rabbit is black (thus the name Midnight) and the illicit boyfriend Jack, is black and dark brown with white paws. So she has six babies, two black ones, two silt (gray/brown/black) colored ones, a white one, and a cream colored one. The cream one is my favorite... but I can't keep them all because I'm LEAVING in 18 days... it's really sad, because I'd like to see how much more of a friend-pet I could have if it knew me from birth.
Sigh... they're adorable... and they'll need homes.