Express yourself, don't repress yourself.

This is just my journal. Sometimes it's a place to rant, sometimes it's a place to just talk about how things are going for me.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Like the ocean wave

I hear the wind outside my window. I know now I need some escape. Some freedom. To be content of myself in a little boat, looking up to the sun.
Warm, but without fire. Light, yet without blinding.
The waves lifting, sighing. Speaking their silence. Their contentment to roll. Their peace of breath.
The soft toasted dryness of the planks beneath me. The gentle brush of breeze. A pause. A flick of sail.
So I'd curl up, warm and light, secure against the wood around me, catching sky and water and cloud. Tuck close the softness of a blanket, the smoothness of skin, and the shimmer of sunlit hair. The loss of tension. The loss of pain, of others, of doubt.
Just movement, to somewhere.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Change your mind

I like my wigs. I have far too many of them now, but that's ok. I like to wear them when I'm having an emotionally difficult day, or just when I'm being silly. I put them on to feel like someone else. Because I look very different.
It helps me step away from whatever small rut I find myself in. As if by changing my appearance that means I'm someone else, someone who is stronger or prettier or sassier. Whatever I need. And then I don't have to feel bad. Or at least I feel some comfort.
I woke up this morning and I desperately wanted to curl up in bed all day and watch movies and ignore the world. But I couldn't. Mondays are dreadfully full.
I had a great time this weekend at the FTX, playing ARMY, playing Leader. Playing competent and strong. Playing limitless.
And first thing I get back and feel helpless again. I don't know why I'm here anymore. My friends help. They keep me grounded. But I can't help thinking back to the woman who didn't doubt herself so much. The one who took on the world with a "Do your worst."
Perhaps I just need time to heal.
I just can't shake the feeling that some wounds are like tendon injuries; they never quite heal. You can build up around them, strengthen them, but they are always with you. That's ok. I guess that's life. That's baggage.
I'd like to travel light though.
I guess I'm capable of that again, of dumping this excess I attached to myself, this sick waste of life.

I just need a destination.

If I were weak, I'd turn to religon. It's not a very popular opinion, and I cherish everyone's freedom to believe whatever they want, but I find religon distateful personally. I think it is a crutch. A way to schluff off responsibility for one's existance. Or an excuse to put down other people. Rules so great that none can question them. But that gets into politics.
I speak in general terms. It's not that I've lost faith, I just discovered myself. A while back anyway. It's frightening to realize that each and every one of us is completely alone. We could be some flick of energy creating this existance as a dream.
So many possibilities.
I don't really care.

I just want a destination. Then it's easy. You just keep breathing, keep putting one foot in front of the other. Inch by inch. Somewhere.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

In a molecular minute

So I'm walking to class. My messenger-sling bag is very handsome and has an edge visually but it's heavy on one shoulder. That's ok, it's on my better side. My toe isn't hurting so much today, so that's good since I have the FTX on the weekend. Oh yeah, I have to go to my counseling appointement with Captain Hagerman today. I hope he's positive today. Oh shoot, I don't have time to study for my health quiz. That's ok, it'll be multiple choice. I'll win. yay. Gee those cherry trees are gorgeous in their blooms. Oh pollen. Hah. Good thing these trees aren't bothering me much. Wow, it's sunny. I hope I don't get a sunburn this weekend. Oh yeah, I need to pack for the weekend. Gosh, but I have so much stuff to get done before that. Oh, I'm almost to class... I hope my story goes over well. I think I picked a good one to tell the class and make me look charismatic and interesting all the while looking completely glamorous and attractive. Am I? I liked the face looking back at me in the mirror this morning... and my clothes are cute. Although the girl who's also telling her story today is very pretty and charming and intelligent and has a good place in the pecking order in the class. That's ok. I'll be my charming self, I feel good today. Man I'm tired of these punks overtaking the MU and handing out fliers and asking for people to sign this or that thing. Huh, the honors college. That reminds me, I need to print out all my readings for resistance hate and reconciliation so I can read. Wait, don't I need to read two books for history this weekend? Oh shoot, and I still haven't done last week's readings in WS because I had my big presentation. I wonder what that'll do to my grade. Damn. I want that 4.0 this term, and her cutoff for an A- is 95% YEOWCH! I'm tired. But it's a nice day. Shoot, I'm hungry. I can feel that scone in my bag... and my water. I'm glad I remembered water today. Ugh this bag is getting heavy. Why do I always carry so much crap? God I hope I don't have to see him today. I hope he saw me walk by and I hope he felt terrible and wanted me. Wait. I don't care. Because I don't want to care. I don't give him that worth. Now. Think of something else. Shoot, gotta set up my interview time for summer jobs. Isn't that just a heyday! God I hope i look gorgeous today. Hmmm... did that guy just check me out? I hope I don't have my hair sticking out wierd... nope. feels ok. I feel good though, who cares about whatever he thought. Dude I climbed the rope today after a quick mile run. Who would have thought I would consider a mile a nice quick run? It was a good morning. Shoot I'm almost to class. I hope I don't have to actually know more than the basics yet because seriously mondays and tuesdays suck. I hate monday. I love thursday. Thursday thursday thursday.... well then again I have to wait for the piano tuner. yaaaaay piano tuner. Shoot. RA stuff. Ugh. I'll think about it tomorrow. Ok, almost to class, don't have time to think about that now. Did she look at me funny? Hey, they're kinda cute. I wonder how old this building is. I wonder -

And then suddenly I freeze. My brain stalls. Suddenly I am overwhelmed at the trivial complexity of my life. And how impossible and amazing it is that our planet isn't a ball of gas or barren rock. That there are more stars and star systems than I can fathom in my hardest efforts. That there may well be other life, intelligent and waiting for us. That I can worry so much about making a great presentation on a minor assignment all the while carefully crafting my appearance for effect and trying to supress my greater emotions and frustrations in the name of the way I'm supposed to live life.
Molecules, formed by atoms that interact. Combine to create substances, to interact to create cells, to create life, to create people, to create conciousness, to create competition, to create details to create complication to create questions to create convolutions.
To create me, as I am here at this moment, paused on the stairs in an old agricultural studies building on my way to a small honors history class where we sit and tell stories of our past.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wumbldey Wuop

I'm expressing my feeling of emptiness and blank and frustration.

Friday, April 14, 2006

I needed this.

I did it folks. I passed my PT test. Yeah, I know, 9 seconds is not much to spare... but next time it will be more, and each time after that more and more.
I haven't been believing in myself much lately. I've been depressed, and my self esteem has crashed. But roll together a little luck, and a lot of heart, and I made it.
I just have to keep believing in myself.

I scored a 248 out of 300. Mmm... basically a B. But that's ok, because that is better than average. It's not an A, an excellent... but it's not an average. And I can only go up from there.
Ok... Time to celebrate!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

When you're down

And they're counting.
When your secrets,
are found out.
When your troubles,
take to mounting.
When the map you have,
leads you to doubt.

when there's no
And the compass turns,
from nowhere that you know the way,

let your soul,
be your pilot,
let your soul guide you,
and guide you well.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Too much to ask.

There are so many huge life choices that are sitting around staring me in the eye. They're all throwing their pressures and requirements at me, with raised brows and fingers tapping expectantly at their watches. None of the options come without pain or disappointment, or risk of failure. Many of them have a permanence in their option. Once I select one way, I am closed off from all the other potentialities that make me curious.
One of my friends said to me last night, "Wait, why the hell ARE you a math major? You should switch to apparel design... I mean, you would be phenomenal."
And part of me is like, WTF, why am I putting myself through this torturous math program, for a job I don't really want, and paying for it by going through ROTC which is bringing nothing but pain and humiliation.
And I'm so tired. Stalling at these questions, waiting till it's time, but still having to put stress into them or fight the stress they create. My back is a mass of knots, but I don't have the energy to do anything about anything.
I don't like living life so that I can "JUST GET THROUGH THIS HARD PART" so I can rest... sleep... hide from life because I am so burnt out from everything it took out of me to keep up in the competition. It's always that necessity of putting more than you have to give into life just to compete. That stupidity of borrowing from yourself.
I think I'm gonna move. I'll just go write books and pain and drink wine in some little city and eat food that I like and do something I enjoy, and spend time with people I care about.
I am kinda bummed. A cute boy I met at a small party a while ago invited me to go check out his band play. I thought, gee, that would be fun... to just go chill and listen to music and see what else happens.
But no. It's the friday night of my FTX. So stupid.
Ok. Whatever. No fun and games. Work work work. That's the answer, right?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Under your skin

I'm a little tired of the fact that every damn thing gets under my skin.
I'm wasting time right now because I am feeling lonely and sad about mistakes I've made and illusions that have been shattered. Though an occasional cynic, I grew up an idealist. It hurts to have proof forced on me that there are very few people worthy of my trust and feelings. And yet I am always ready to again have hope that every friend I make is strong enough and enlightened enough to take on my utter openness and ability to love and expect a deep relationship.
I hate being so aware of the contingencies, the ramifications, the insinuations, and the hurts people experience but try to hide all in the name of appearing deft and confident. Damn this empathy. It merely serves to undermine my own confidence.
Elizabeth you know this, this terror of the wrong thing. The wrong moment, the wrong prescence, that momentary window to the perfect outcome. That chance for the perfect line, that perfect love, that perfect existance. That worthy moment. And knowing that you are not perfect and that no matter how hard you try, sometimes you will miss the window, and you just pray and pray that this time it won't be one. And in your deliberations about which path is the right one, the moment slips, the timing is gone, and all you are left with is this sudden pain and the inability to remove that moment from your memory, that tiny failure. Because although you know in your mind that the person who witnessed it is likely to forget it in a moment's time, part of you wonders if that wasn't the proverbial butterfly who causes the hurricane. That single point which could have set your path to a worthwhile existance.
God what drivel. I'm up far too late and I am quite aware of my caffienne low and the fact that mere hours ago I was cheerful and productive. But now I am alone, and my bed looks horrifically empty instead of soft and welcoming. Such fear of asking someone to share a little piece of life with you.
Such fear. Such pain. And yet this pain of loneliness is more.
If we go through our lives accumulating pain, how difficult it becomes to face each new moment with the joy it deserves. Can you taste it? Happiness. The more you have, the more you feel its absence. The more you hate the things that took it from you. The more time you waste on your past. Although you personally have the final say on whether or not you're capable of being happy at any moment, I find the power of the outside world and our accustomedness to it are enormous players. I wish I could just choose to be happy. But though I often delight in material things, that which truly brings me happiness is always and completely out of my control. And I hate it. This simultaneous addiction and resentment of people around me is the flaw that plagues me. It still never ceases to amaze me how many million people are alone. I know who I am. I've spent twenty years with myself. I don't know who you are and I could spend every moment of my time witnessing your existance. Seeing the world from your perspective. Those of you who have known me well or whom I have trusted may have observed my peculiar ability to comfortably attach myself to you for a few hours. No need to entertain me. I am content to absorb your presence, feel the change of the universe around the variable.
Why are we so afraid?

Oh. And don't just tolerate; embrace. For once in my life I'm starting to feel passionately about something. Homophobia is for neanderthals and losers. It is a sign of a sickness in a society, that it hates its own members. I should think that these people would spend their time hating people who actually do BAD things like kill and rape and hurt. But no, they spend all their energies hating on people who love. And not just hating and fearing but murdering and hurting. This makes me so very angry. Did you know that most states don't even have legislation protecting people from discrimination based on their sexual orientation, from jobs and housing... or anything? Sick. I think the number was only 14 that do. Makes me want to be a PKK all over again. But vigilanteeism rarely comes out well. Fuck. Time to do something else.

Perhaps I can convince myself to sleep. But I'm almost not willing to give up on this day, hoping that it will bring a great surprise or experience. But those days are behind me for the moment, and I must try to be content with the norm. Hell I should be grateful the slings and arrows have slackened in their fervor and relish this chance I have of getting securely away from the slippery slope to the bottom. But such is not my character.
However, I am finally getting sleepy.
Good night
And maybe, for my sake, try to be a little fearless, and live.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

One step back and a half step down

Where do you sit in your head? A lot of people feel that they exist right up behind their eyes. Not me. And today it feels a little skewed sideways too. Makes it a little harder to read when my brain tries to turn.
Moody Blues = some audio bliss.
Having twelve gigs of music is a wonderful thing.
So much more to the music world than I got to hear back in high school.
Flogging Molly's
Moody Blues
Black Eyed Peas
Dave Matthews Band
Pussycat Dolls
All sorts of stuff I never would have listened to before.

I have lots of new residents. It's nuts. I was expecting that my rooms would kind of stay empty. But no. They're all refilled. So random.

Classes. So much reading. SO MUCH. Almost all my classes are reading/writing intensive this term.
Ok, time to work.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


So don't worry all. I just tripped a little on the path of life. I got a shock and forgot to watch my feet. I'm much better for a few extra days at home doing family stuff. This term is a fresh start. It just has to be.
Of course I'm going to be having my ups and downs. I'm looking forward to a much better GPA, general stress level, and overall happiness.
I'll need help. I need to get away from some people who have been very bad for me, which has been done, but it's hard.
I need to find some new things I enjoy, or renew some of my old favorites.
I need to reconnect with some friends I have been growing further from - if you think you're in this category, give me a call, and we can go do something fun!
I need to workout hard and pass my PT test and continue to workout very regularly during the term instead of sporadically like it's been with injury and illness and depression. Workout buddies anyone? Even if it's just for one workout a week, that would be awesome because having the committement of someone waiting for you does wonders for motivation.
I need to have the strength to say no to extra committements and only give 100% to my current responsibilities, and no dipping into my personal time and energy or my academics or my fitness.
I need to keep up my confidence - something I have to do on my own.
I need to find some more of my passion for life, let it not be a fleeting thing it feels like it has been especially these past couple days. Most of the time I seem to remember that I have a feeling of insatiability where life is concerned, so I hope that I can find that hunger for life again.
Good luck to everyone this term! I know many of us need it. Whenever you feel lonely, chances are I'm feeling similarly. Don't hesitate to give me a call and we can do something like watch movies or chat or get food (I hate eating alone) or I'll show you how to crochet or we can workout, or anything... just doing it with each other and not alone in the world. Start reaching out to share life. Share the mundane things we all do. Then maybe people will not feel so alone.
Ok, I need to go run before the gym is closed.