Express yourself, don't repress yourself.

This is just my journal. Sometimes it's a place to rant, sometimes it's a place to just talk about how things are going for me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Days go by

So my brother recorded his first song yesterday. It's fantastic. We're going to make an album, and even sell it online!
Of course the track needs work and his song needs some touching up, but it's a great start. He's a natural lyrical poet.
The damn song is stuck in my head. I like to think of myself as somewhat of a music conniseur, so if I think it's amazing, than it is. Not just because he's my brother, although that can influence it.
Anyhow, that's cool. I'm re-designing my dad's office. It's cool, but a LOT of work. And the paint is kinda spendy. But it'll be really cool.
I got an amazing load of presents for my birthday this year, including a fancy digital camera and a new MP3 player after I messed up my other one. And they all use SD memory, which my laptop has its own slot for, right on the box. I LOVE IT.
So anyhow, I love my camera, and so I'll have pictures online of it when its done.

My summer is ending rather quickly. I still feel the fear like last year going to school, (I was petrified) but this year I have other factors, like being an RA, and ROTC... its crazy. I'm in a constant state of slight panic. But hey, who cares.

Tenchu is a really cool game, and my brother plays it and I watch, and it's good time we spend together.

Gosh I love this song. I have it as an MP3, playing it right now.

I think I should keep a better journal. Like something every day. Something that caught my attention. I even have a separate hidden blog for my darker thoughts and deeper secrets, because every part of my life is important to keep.
Well. I'm bored. I already posted a mega post on my other one. so I done typing.

Hey, thanks to RYAN! He made me a banana-bread loaf. I am happy!

Hi wisps.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

So I'm asleep...

Snuggled in my nice warm bed, having been fitfully sleeping.
Please, just let me sleep a little longer...

Momma, why are you talking so loud? I'm sleepy... don't you have any manners?
Sigh... she's walking around, something's going on.

"...he's there, asleep... no ma'am.... yes ma'am."


So I wake up, throw on some shorts. My mom is walking around this half of the house in agitation, still in her nightgown.
She pauses at my door when she realizes I'm up. "There's a boy in our house."
Yeah, my brother... that's not what she means.
She continues to talk on the phone, "Yes ma'am, he's just in there asleep, I don't want to wake him up because I don't know what he might do!"
So I start creeping across the house... is he in the living room?
no... kitchen, dining room?... no
"-He's in the office-"
Oh. Ok,
so, towards the office. My dad is standing in the kitchen. I look into the office and am confused; nobody's there.
I turn, and he's sitting in my mom's desk chair in her studio, facing the computers. He's hunched over, pretty passed out. I know I would have woken up with all the whispers and tiptoeing around... I look closer, he's wearing a hillsboro baseball shirt... looks 18 or 19.
But I don't recognize him. He's vaguely familiar... I leave, start looking through my old yearbook to try and place him.

The police arrive. They seem kinda bored, but they do their job, get him outside. He's still half stoned. My parents recognize that he's someone's kid down the street, we used to know in like 3rd grade. Since he didn't do anything but end up in the wrong house... and he wasn't some nutzoid... we let him go. I was like - dude, where's my m16? I want to take this sukka outside and rough him up. That way he'll learn! YEAH.
But no, the police were like... well, since he's 18 we can't take him home... so we can let him go or you can press complaint.
Meh, why bother we said.
It was funny. I wasn't nervous, but I found I didn't know what to do with my hands. I thought "wouldn't I be more comfortable with an assault rifle in my hands."
And I was remembering a story from RA training at school, where an RA went to confront a student he thought had pot. By himself. The door opened, and there was the kid's dealer and other punk, who was just out on parole and didn't want to get caught.
They blew the kid away.
I mean, this wasn't like that. But it could have been some freak like that, not just a drunk stoned kid from way down the street.
Meh, that was my morning. Time to play Tenchu.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

But after 50, there's always 51

So, I wish I posted every day. A little log of what happened each day. But I don't, inevitably when I sit down at my computer to do my finishing touches in the evening... I end up doing something else, like writing whole chapters of the next romance novel I thought up. It's good. They're fun to write. I was reading a couple, and some of them were really great, and then I started reading this one called whitefire. Sick. Not only was it very lacking in taste, the writing was terrible. So it spurred me to write my own, since I'm a much better writer that that person was. So yeah, don't be surprised to see me on one of the top bestseller lists for that soon! Haha.

So today is my birthday! Woohoo! The last of my teens. Creepy. And I have to clean my room up and babysit today. And Elizabeth and Jennifer don't get back till 7:00 anyhow... so my party starts late. Whatever, I'll cut my sleep for one night. I'm only inviting four people... and I would like to invite more (ryan (: ) but I haven't seen some of my girlfriends in almost a year, so it's going to be one long giggle fest. So whatever.

Well, till later.