Express yourself, don't repress yourself.

This is just my journal. Sometimes it's a place to rant, sometimes it's a place to just talk about how things are going for me.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Home sick on christmas eve

There are few things worse than coming home for christmas... and getting miserably sick.
The nice thing is that my dad finally got the wireless up in our house, so I am writing this from the comfy place on my couch curled up in a blanket and coughing my lungs up while I watch terrible shows on MTV instead of the music videos they should be showing.... sigh.
I need to remember to take my mom to the phantom of the opera. It looks really great.
It's a weird sensation being home. I still feel so alone, though now that my family isn't busy at school I'm starting to feel better. But I should just accept it, I've never been one for many friends, as you can tell, nobody reads this thing. Though I've really started to bond with some of the people in ROTC. I actually miss them the most.
I can't wait to do presents and things though... I got so many great gifts for my family, and I even made them stockings.
One thing I do miss is having the time to do art. REAL art, not comercial cartoon crap. Anyone with half the talent can learn to do that junk. Some cartoonists are artists. Most are just limited in their abilities to work with more mediums. It's too bad I can't get into the real art classes as a freshman... sigh. There's just too few spots and too many people. More interesting; I'm taking a costume design class. I'm very excited, I have so many ideas paired with a good fashion sense... I hope we get the opportunity to make stuff for the theater department's productions.
Wow... walmart sucks. I'm so sick of their commercials.
My head hurts.
Now it's time to bake cookies!

Monday, December 06, 2004


So it's monday morning of finals week, 7:00.
I have a final in half an hour. Not fun. I've had to stud more for this clas than any other, and it's some stupid health REQUIRED class. This is stuff we'll never need to know, unless we're in the health field.
Well, that'll be over with soon. I hope I get a much better grade than the midterm, because these 5 chapters are either my forte, or I dual studied them for psychology... although since health books are notoriously stupid, I hope I don't get the "wrong" answer for a technically correct response.
I'm waiting for my roommate. I just don't understand how people HAVE to take showers in the morning.
Well, I can do something more usefull!

Friday, December 03, 2004


So just a quick note before getting back to finals studying, but I thought it might be nice to let everyone know.
I had a PT test this morning, my second one since coming here. My first test I failed miserably on, but understandably so since I wasn't trained at all.

Pushups - 19 in 2 minutes
Situps - 53 in 2 minutes
2 Mile Run - 18:54

1st test:
Pushups - 17 in 2 minutes
Situps - 26 in 2 minutes
2 Mile Run - 23:**

2nd test: (today)
Pushups - 26 in 2 minutes
Situps - 55 in 2 minutes
2 Mile Run - 21:11 (I think)

So yeah, I PASSED 2 out of 3, whereas I failed all three before! I was really hoping to pass the run, but it just didn't happen. Christmas break is going to be FUN...

But yeah, so I gotta do some math so I can get breakfast so I can take a nap before class... plus my hands are still shaky...

Bye wisps.... shades and specters too.